Immune stimulant

Lemon Essential Oil

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Three things I like about Lemon

1. Clearing
I take 2-3 drops on 8 oz of water 3 time a day and it helps me clear my phlegm and occasional urinary tract problems.

2. Stomach issues
Because lemon is antiseptic, it has helped me with my digestive problems like reflux, diarrhea or constipation.

3. Immune Stimulant
Increases white blood cells. *EODR 2013 edition
I feel less prone to illness and more clear-minded.

For more information or to learn more about purchasing Young Living Essential Oils contact:
Rachel Fasnacht, Young Living Independent Distributor #1229647
Though we do this as a labor of love, your purchases through this link help to maintain this site. Thank you for your support.

Photo credit: Dolf Cheng

Pineal Gland

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The pineal gland is responsible for releasing melatonin, a powerful immune stimulant, and anti-tumoral agent.

How essential oils can reach the pineal gland

1. Inhaling

2. Through the roof of the mouth
put oil on your thumb then press against the roof of your mouth

3. Sublingual
Put one drop under the tongue

4. Middle of the eyebrows
Put one drop in between

5. Crown and back of head

Put one to two drops.

Photo credit: Dolf Cheng


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Thieves Essential Oil

Thieves is antimicrobial (Clove), an expectorant (Eucalyptus radiata), an immune stimulant (Lemon), anti-fungal (Rosemary), and antiviral and antibacterial (Cinnamon).

Early prevention is key. Protection for the coming Fall season.

If prone to colds:

  • make a Thieves antibiotic
  • 5-7 drops in a capsule

For headaches:

  • 1 drop on thumb pushed up the roof of the mouth

If throat is sore & virus is suspected:

  • 1 drop in water
  • gargle

Before leaving house:

  • 3 drops rubbed on each soles

To build family protection:

  • diffuse every 4 hours

Photo credit: Dolf Cheng