How to Order Young Living Essential Oils

Click to Order Essential Oils NOW or read more below.

We all know that one size does NOT fit all. It is true with shoes, shirts and even businesses. Young Living is very accommodating to offer options when you open an account with them. I have a PDF below with graphics that will help with some of the decisions you need to make or you follow along in the text.

Answering these questions will help you….

1) Do you want a RETAIL or a WHOLESALE account?

*Retail offers a no commitment, no expectations account. There are no minimum but no savings either as you pay full retail price.

*Wholesale requires you to buy a membership kit. Prices range from $40-160. You must buy $50 in oils each year to maintain a membership or you will be required to sign up again.

You save 24% on all your oils!

2) You must put in the name or number of your SPONSOR/ENROLLER.

My number is 1229647. It is the Sponsors job to help educate you and keep in touch to see if you need anything. Choose a sponsor you will enjoy working with and learning from.

3) Your address and contact information.


4) Your Social Security Number (wholesale only).

If you choose to sign up for a wholesale account, then you will get the oils at a deep discounted price. You have the option to use them for personal or to sell them. Since the company can not differentiate which people will use and which will sell they consider all INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS. That makes it a job and they need to consider it as such. If you start to sell the oils you will need to claim the income, too.

5) Email.

I use this to welcome you, ask if I can help and send occasional updates, oil shortages, specials, etc.

6) Username, password and pin.

This is so you can log in and order more in the future. Your pin is used to verify who you are.

7) Starter kit (wholesale only).

Budgets differ so prices range from $40 to $160.

I really think the best deal is the $150 or $160 kit.
You get 11 of the most popular oils (a Medicine Cabinet Makeover), a wonderful diffuser and a bunch of samples!
It is a $300 value! I wish I would have got this when I started!


8) Essential Rewards (wholesale only).

Young Living has grouped some items into KITS at a deep discount for you to try.

This is an optional item with a monthly commitment.
If you are not interested, click the “No Thank You” button UNDER all the pictures.

Choose the the kit you prefer to try.
Choose the date you want it to ship out on (also the billing date each month).
You can change each month which kits you wish to try next.
Or, you can pick and choose individual items or oils.
Save additional 10-20% in free products each month!
Save with flat fee shipping!

The Essential Rewards made an unexpected difference in our lives!
When we committed a set amount of our budget each month ($125-130 Dave Ramsey style) my thought process changed. I spent the month looking for which would be the best, most effective addition to our Medicine Cabinet. I suddenly was learning more than ever before. I took charge of our health at a new level. 

This was so empowering! I hope you have the same experience.

9) Credit Card information.


10) Confirm address.


11) Add items to your order.

Now is the time to pick and choose which oils or products you’d like. You don’t need to add anything if you don’t want to. Some like to add in special oils for needs they may have. I recommend AromaBright toothpaste. Our family really enjoys it!

12) Choose shipping speed.


13) Check out.

You should see a sentence with a confirmation number.

If you have questions please feel free to contact me. Link is on the upper right of each page.

Click to Order Essential Oils



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