Cedarwood Essential Oil

Pineal Gland

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The pineal gland is responsible for releasing melatonin, a powerful immune stimulant, and anti-tumoral agent.

How essential oils can reach the pineal gland

1. Inhaling

2. Through the roof of the mouth
put oil on your thumb then press against the roof of your mouth

3. Sublingual
Put one drop under the tongue

4. Middle of the eyebrows
Put one drop in between

5. Crown and back of head

Put one to two drops.

Photo credit: Dolf Cheng


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Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood oil contains a high percentage of sesquiterpenes which works best in the limbic brain.

This stimulates the pineal gland which is the seat of the emotions. This oil helps with acne & eczema (as well).

Photo credit: Dolf Cheng