
Everyday helpers

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Everyday Helpers

Ginger for muscle pain
Clove for a toothache
Grapes for a backache
Garlic for earache
Pineapple for bloated stomach
Peppermint for tight and sore muscles
Tomato for leg cramps
Cherries for headache

I found this list somewhere online. I know about the cloves, peppermint and garlic but none of the others.

Does anyone have a testimonial?

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Reduce Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain

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Reduce Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain

Turmeric: Circumin, the active compound in this spice is what makes it so powerful for healing.

Cherries: Contain substances called anthocyanosides which are very effective at lowering uric acid levels.

Ginger: Prepare by making tea from the roots.

Pineapple: contains the anti-inflammatory bromelain

Omega 3 Foods: Try freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Pour a tablespoon or two into 4 to 8 ounces of water.

Photo credit: The Farmacy