Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Home Remedies for Pimples

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Don’t know which will work for you but here are some to try.

Cinnamon: Make a paste with cinnamon and honey – 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and add to the honey. Mix to make a paste. Apply to the blemish and leave on for 20 min.

Neem Powder and Neem Oil

Lavender or Tea Tree Essential Oil

Apple Cider Vinegar

Rose water

Nutmeg and cloves

Clay Maksk


Aloe Vera

Lemon Juice.

Photo credit: rawforbeauty.com

Reduce Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain

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Reduce Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain

Turmeric: Circumin, the active compound in this spice is what makes it so powerful for healing.

Cherries: Contain substances called anthocyanosides which are very effective at lowering uric acid levels.

Ginger: Prepare by making tea from the roots.

Pineapple: contains the anti-inflammatory bromelain

Omega 3 Foods: Try freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Pour a tablespoon or two into 4 to 8 ounces of water.

Photo credit: The Farmacy
Source: naturalsociety.com