Health Benefits of Garlic

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Health Benefits of Garlic

May help improve iron metabolism rich in powerful sulfur-containing compounds including thiosulfinates reliable source of selenium may help to regulate the number of fat cells that get formed in the body called “the stinking rose” cardioprotective properties lowers blood triglycerides & total cholesterol anti-inflammatory helps to lower blood sugar.

Protects from oxidative stress supports healthy blood pressure good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6. Selenium & manganese daily intake lowers risk of most cancers antibacterial & antiviral effective against yeast infections & clotting disorders.

Did you know? You can increase the health benefits you receive from garlic by letting it sit after its been chopped or crushed. If you give your chopped/crushed garlic time to sit before changing its temperature (through cooking) or its pH ( through the addition of acidic food like lemon juice), it will give the alliinase enzymes in garlic an opportunity to work on behalf of your health.

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Photo credit: Oasis Advanced Wellness

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