Everyday helpers

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Everyday Helpers

Ginger for muscle pain
Clove for a toothache
Grapes for a backache
Garlic for earache
Pineapple for bloated stomach
Peppermint for tight and sore muscles
Tomato for leg cramps
Cherries for headache

I found this list somewhere online. I know about the cloves, peppermint and garlic but none of the others.

Does anyone have a testimonial?

Photo credit: unknown

2 thoughts on “Everyday helpers

    Dorrie said:
    October 14, 2013 at 10:54 am

    Ginger definitely helps with muscle and ligament pain, it has great anti-inflammatory properties. I grate it on my salads or make a tea that infuses overnight. Its also an ingredient in my “pms” tea I make. (motherwort, marigold and ginger – also infuse over night)

      rachelfasnacht responded:
      October 18, 2013 at 12:58 pm

      More good info. Thanks for sharing Dorrie!

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